LIH Knowledge and technology transfer map
These pages have been updated as per 13.11.2023. Please send your updates and comments to A more comprehensive update to this matrix is planned in 2024.
LIH Knowledge and technology transfer map is presenting various products and services from LIH partner organizations. It is intended to help interested organizations (SME’s and public sector) to find suitable service providers to utilize location information and solutions for innovations.
LIH Focus Domains (Industry Segments)
With the Location Innovation Hub architecture of tools and a motivatory, innovative eco-system, location information will advance the circular economy in focus domains eg. industry segments. Interoperability of location information with essential parts of the data economy, including precise positioning and creation of next generation navigation space, will serve as a multiplier to the proliferation of digital capabilities envisaged in the Digital European Programme.

Bioeconomy, including forestry, agriculture and food supply
Promoting sustainable economic growth and protecting the environment while sustainably managing the use of biological resources are areas where location information has several roles. Location information is needed in e.g., forestry planning, monitoring agricultural fields, assessing environmental impacts of cattle etc. The uses may vary from creating planning maps for forestry, using high precision laser scanning data and aerial imagery to study the spread of tree disease, to using digital elevation models to study soil wetness.
See list of LIH Partners providing solutions for Bioeconomy >>

Build Environment, including the whole life cycle of buildings and infrastructure
Built environment with all its physical structures, utilities, and people comprises a multi-faceted entity that has a great and ever-evolving need for the effective use of location data. Such data is essential if one is to strive for a smart city. Built environments, such as cities, face great challenges in fitting together the interests of different stakeholder groups while reducing the environmental impacts of city functions. For example, the growth of cities produces construction waste, which could provide opportunities for circular economy efforts. The effective use of LI is needed in zoning activities, traffic system planning, allocating services to people, plan for natural phenomena such as floods and storms, etc. With the use of digital twins, the properties of the built environments can be used for trying out different planning scenarios and run simulations.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions for Build Environment >>

Transportation, logistics and traffic
Movement of people and goods from one place to another involves a lot of uses for LI, including the planning, operation, and maintenance of transportation systems, as well as the management of supply chains and the flow of goods and services. Self-driving cars and drones in the logistics sector are already a reality and they benefit greatly from LI. Different transportation services, such as journey planners, make use of LI and APIs to provide a smooth user experience. Mobility data can be used to understand e.g. how where people are concentrated depending on the hour of the day, how people move around during a city festival or -like in the recent years- during a pandemic.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions for Transportation, logistics and traffic >>

Health and Wellbeing
The domain of health and wellbeing is perhaps the one that most certainly affects everyone. LI benefits the health and wellbeing sector by providing tools to e.g., study the response times for emergency response units, plan for better service coverage, better allocation of resources, monitor disease outbreaks etc. The aging population within the EU in combination with e.g., climate change and potential future epidemics pose challenges that can be mitigated with the use of location information.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions for Health and Wellbeing >>
LIH Strategic Areas
Advancing the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), High-Performance Computing (HPC), Cybersecurity (CS) and Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) by applying Location Intelligence (LI) is in the core objectives of LIH. The Location Innovation Hub strategic areas aim to provide information on the partners’ know-how that tackles the objectives. The selected strategic areas consist of areas with a more specific focus to location information as well as strategic areas that leave room to cover a wider set of disciplines, thus providing opportunities to a variety of partners to describe their skillset.
AI – Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge in the use of artificial intelligence in the domain of LI, such as aerial/satellite image analyses with machine learning techniques, identification of objects (buildings, traffic signs, road structures, ships etc.), automated mapping.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions in AI – Artificial Intelligence >>
HPC – High Performance Computing
Knowledge in the use of artificial intelligence in the domain of LI, such as aerial/satellite image analyses with machine learning techniques, identification of objects (buildings, traffic signs, road structures, ships etc.), automated mapping.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions in HPC – High Performance Computing >>
Expertise in Location Information related cybersecurity, covering e.g., information security for data and services, security and legislation related to UAVs etc.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions in Cypersecury >>
Expertise in providing static and/or interactive visualising solutions for location information, such as cartographic expertise, expertise in making dashboards containing LI etc., and extended reality (AR/MR/VR) visualisation solutions utilising location data such as 3D buildings and point clouds.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions in Visualisation >>
Includes various forms of Location Information related training, such as use of desktop software for accessing, producing, and analysing location data, managing location data databases, using scripts to process location data, analysing and interpreting aerial/satellite imagery etc.
Business Development
Experience in developing location information business ideas, providing business consulting.
See list of LIH partners providing consultance in Business Development >>
Location Information Technology
Knowledge in location information technologies, such as proprietary software / open-source software solutions, APIs, UAVs, remote sensing instruments etc.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions in Location Information Technology >>
Expertise in the domain of positioning, indoors or outdoors.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions in Positioning >>
Knowledge in the field of the standardisation of location data sets (such as OGC standards) or other related standards in e.g. the focus domains.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions in Standardisation >>
Location information
Location Information
The capabilities related in providing location information.
See list of LIH partners providing solutions in Location information >>
Can contain other information deemed relevant in terms of describing partner’s expertise.