LIH Knowledge and technology transfer map
These pages have been updated as per 13.11.2023. Please send your updates and comments to A more comprehensive update to this matrix is planned in 2024.
FMI – Finnish Meterological Institute
The Finnish Meteorological Institute provides services on weather, sea, air quality, climate and near space for the needs of public safety, business life and citizens. Customers range from private citizens (e.g., weather and air quality prediction products) and commercial service providers (e.g., aviation) and local/ governmental authorities. FMI’s vision is to provide information for weather and climate ready future so that no one is caught unaware by nature’s conditions.
The services provided (information on weather, sea, air quality, climate and near space) are made publicly and timely available and the customers are provided easy access to the produced information. The information is produced in a standardized and geo-referenced format to facilitate the effective use of LI methods and tools on the customer’s side.
FMI is in a leading position in the international community in our many different fields of expertise. Together with our partners, FMI produces versatile, highest quality information on nature’s conditions in the North.
The customer’s capability to utilize location information methods and tools are increased, that will lead to an increase in new companies and business opportunities within the EU-region. New applications that utilize geographically accurate data can emerge, while the use of machine learning approaches and high-performance computing becomes possible in a cyber-secure environment.
Partner is offering services to following LIH Industry segments
Industry segment | Description |
Bioeconomy | Provision of weather (and extreme weather conditions) forecasts. Providing projections of climate change effects on Bioeconomy. |
Build Environment | Provision of modelled impacts of built environment on micro-meteorology and air quality (e.g., urban vegetation and street canyons). |
Transportation and Logistics | Provision of weather (and extreme weather conditions) forecasts, road weather information (measured and modelled), Air Quality scenario modelling (i.e., the impacts on shipping and road traffic on local air quality). Provision of personalized, high-quality weather services for aviation. |
Health and Wellbeing | Provision of weather (and extreme weather conditions) forecasts, and the forecasting of long range transportation of pollution such as wild fires and dust. The provision of localized, personal air quality information (near-real time), also as in aggregated format such as in annual averages. |
Partner is offering services to following LIH Strategic areas
Strategic area | Description of services |
AI – Artificial Intelligence | Machine learning with GIS-data (e.g., AQ forecasts) is adopted in FMI’s in products. |
HPC – High Performance Computing | Many if not most of FMI’s products (numerical predictions) are produced using HPC due to computational requirements in e.g., simulating high-resolution weather and air quality. |
Cybersecurity | N/A |
Visualisation | Visualization of weather and AQ forecasts, however often FMI’s products are visualized by 3rd parties such as |
Training | N/A |
Business Development | FMI’s international expert services -unit provides wide range of development services aimed for air quality, weather and energy -sectors. |
Location Information Technology | N/A |
Positioning | A more comprehensive list of services and products provided by FMI can be seen from |
Standardisation | N/A |
Location Information | Atmospheric data (AQ and weather, measured and forecasted), marine data such as Ice conditions and waves, precipitation in Finland. Open data available from |
Other | N/A |