LIH Knowledge and technology transfer map
These pages have been updated as per 13.11.2023. Please send your updates and comments to A more comprehensive update to this matrix is planned in 2024.
Transportation and Logistics
The movement of people and goods from one place to another involves a lot of uses for LI, including the planning, operation, and maintenance of transportation systems, as well as the management of supply chains and the flow of goods and services. Self-driving cars and drones in the logistics sector are already a reality and they benefit greatly from LI. Different transportation services, such as journey planners, make use of LI and APIs to provide a smooth user experience. Mobility data can be used to understand e.g. how where people are concentrated depending on the hour of the day, how people move around during a city festival or -like in the recent years- during a pandemic.
On this page you can find services that LIH partners are providing for Transportation and Logistics industries and public organizations.
Partner | Description of Services |
Aalto University – Geoinformatics Aalto yliopisto – Geoinformatiikka | Our educational services and materials focus in general to building skills on using geospatial technologies and methodologies, which can be used in all sectors that work with spatial data, including Transportation and Logistics segment. |
Aalto University – Research Institute of Measuring and Modelling for the Built Environment Aalto yliopisto – Rakennetun ympäristön mittauksen ja mallinnuksen instituutti MeMo | |
Advian Oy | N/A |
Oy Arbonaut Ltd | N/A |
CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd. Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy | CSC provides a range of services to meed the needs of all sectors, particularly tailored expert services and support for high-performance computing. |
Esri Finland Oy | Esri’s ArcGIS platform capabilities offer benefits and solutions to every business sector/segment. Customer segments include customers from all LIH Key Target Segments. Read more >> |
Finnish Environmental Institute SYKE – Suomen ympäristökeskus | N/A |
FGI – Finnish Geospatial Research Institute Maanmittauslaitos, Paikkatietokeskus | Smart traffic techniques (road, sea, pedestrian) |
FMI – Finnish Meterological Institute Ilmatieteen laitos | Provision of weather (and extreme weather conditions) forecasts, road weather information (measured and modelled), Air Quality scenario modelling (i.e., the impacts on shipping and road traffic on local air quality). Provision of personalized, high-quality weather services for aviation. |
Foundation for Finnish Inventions Keksintösäätiö | It is possible to make a transportation focused pantent landscape. |
GeoForum Finland ry | Networking, training and communication services. |
Geological Survey of Finland GTK – Geologian tutkimuskeskus | N/A |
Gispo Oy | Gispo provides training and development of several useful tools or plugins. QGIS plugin called Catchment helps in calculating the service areas for points of interest (e.g. schools, services) using OpenStreetMap routes. With QField we can manage traffic information signs in the field. Or you can pin point your list of addresses to a map with QGIS Digitransit plugin. We can also help to calculate the optimal routes for e.g. snow plowing vehicles. |
Intellisys Oy | The services are generic without any industry-related limitations. |
KIRAHub | N/A |
Metsäteho | Applied research to strengthen the operating conditions for responsible wood supply. Activities include research projects, recommendations and learning environments. |
Mtech Digital Solutions Oy | Our expertise is focused on the food ecosystem and supply chain. Our skillset and solutions are based on the farm land usage and location based services in the supply chain. Our services and consultancy helps the customer to use the potential they have in their supply chain by building concrete models for gaining market advantage. |
National Land Survey of Finland Maanmittauslaitos | Road data as vector data. |
Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke – Luonnonvarakeskus | N/A |
Oulu University of Applied Sciences OAMK – Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu | We provide industry, especially SMEs, an access to drone technology expertise and facilities (i.e. physical rural area test environment) for validation of proof of concepts. Additionally we offer services for prototype development and testing, demonstrations, information and networking. For the Transportation and Logistics segment we provide means and platform for rapid experiments using drones and related peripherals and tools including safety devices, with the aim of creating new products and services. |
Regional Council of Southwest Finland Varsinais-Suomen liitto | N/A |
Septentrio Oy | Exact and reliable positioning information using GNSS is key in most transport and logistics applications. |
Sitowise Oyj | Consulting and Software services. |
Spatineo Oy | We are familiar with transport infrastructure data and have analyzed it and the impact of publishing open transport infrastructure data. Wa have also designed metadata catalogs for transportation infrastructure and maintained the geoinformation system for publishing that information. |
Ubigu Oy | Data management and analytics services as well as software consultation services related to transportation and logistics, especially traffic and traffic systems planning. |
University of Helsinki Helsingin yliopisto | |
University of Turku Turun yliopisto | We offer LI based training and spatial analytics for different transportation, business and logistics |