LIH Knowledge and technology transfer map

These pages have been updated as per 13.11.2023. Please send your updates and comments to A more comprehensive update to this matrix is planned in 2024.

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Luke assists customers to learn about location data and utilization of AI in bioeconomy environments.

We offer reference precision farming and forest road condition data for application and service development through data space infrastructure and testing facilities especially for AI assisted mobile work units in real agricultural environments.

Our customers will have access to real world data and agile testing during technology and service development cycles.

Partner is offering services to following LIH Industry segments

Industry segmentDescription
BioeconomyWe’ll provide to our customers 1) access to spatial precision farming and forest road condition reference data for software and service development and research. 2) mobile robot platforms and manned machinery for testing location-specific AI or smart decision-making models in real agricultural environments, 3) research-driven AI algorithms for testing with customers’ own location data or service.
Build EnvironmentN/A
Transportation and LogisticsN/A
Health and WellbeingN/A

Partner is offering services to following LIH Strategic areas

Strategic areaDescription of services
AI – Artificial IntelligenceTesting of AI algorithms developed in various Luke research projects, such as insect or plant disease identification and outbreak assessment, with the customer’s own data or solution.
HPC – High Performance ComputingN/A
Business DevelopmentN/A
Location Information TechnologyN/A
Location InformationReference data from the precision farming processes produced by Luke’s research farm and forest road reference condition data. Open data available from