LIH Knowledge and technology transfer map

These pages have been updated as per 13.11.2023. Please send your updates and comments to A more comprehensive update to this matrix is planned in 2024.

HPC – High Performance Computing

Knowledge in the use of artificial intelligence in the domain of LI, such as aerial/satellite image analyses with machine learning techniques, identification of objects (buildings, traffic signs, road structures, ships etc.), automated mapping. 

On this page you can find what kind of services LIH partners are providing for HPC – High Performance Computing.

PartnerDescription of Services
Aalto University – Geoinformatics
Aalto yliopisto – Geoinformatiikka
We do not provide HPC services, but training to use HPC technologies.
Aalto University – Research Institute of Measuring and Modelling for the Built Environment
Aalto yliopisto – Rakennetun ympäristön mittauksen ja mallinnuksen instituutti MeMo
Advian OyWe are specialised in Edge AI, so the development of high-performance machine learning models for Edge computing units is our  everyday work.
Oy Arbonaut LtdN/A
CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.
Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy
CSC operates EuroHPC supercomputer LUMI, which can be utilized by scientists and companies in Finland. CSC offers training and consultation on the use of supercomputers for spatial data analysis or AI.
Esri Finland OyArcGIS platform could be run by high performance computing environment
Finnish Environmental Institute
SYKE – Suomen ympäristökeskus
FGI – Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
Maanmittauslaitos, Paikkatietokeskus
3D models to integrate real world objects and VR
FMI – Finnish Meterological Institute
Ilmatieteen laitos
Many if not most of FMI’s products (numerical predictions) are produced using HPC due to computational requirements in e.g., simulating high-resolution weather and air quality.
Foundation for Finnish Inventions
AI can be one focus area in the patent landscaping.
GeoForum Finland ryNetworking, training and communication services.
Geological Survey of Finland
GTK – Geologian tutkimuskeskus
Prospectivity mapping
Gispo OyN/A
Intellisys OyUtilising available AI tools for patent landscaping and other IPR related searches
Mtech Digital Solutions OyN/A
National Land Survey of Finland
Natural Resources Institute Finland
Luke – Luonnonvarakeskus
Testing of AI algorithms developed in various Luke research projects, such as insect or plant disease identification and outbreak assessment, with the customer’s own data or solution. 
Oulu University of Applied Sciences
OAMK – Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
Regional Council of Southwest Finland
Varsinais-Suomen liitto
Septentrio OyN/A
Sitowise OyjN/A
Spatineo OyN/A
Ubigu OyWe provide AI strategies, implementation plans and tailor-made AI data-processing solutions in the geospatial realm.
University of Helsinki
Helsingin yliopisto
University of Turku
Turun yliopisto
Access to HPC at CSC through Geoportti Research Infrastructure.